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Eagleridge Battle Royale



Total players registered: 67
Total number of available spots: 53
Section Grades Max Rating Players Spots Remaining
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade K - 2 n/a 13 53
3rd - 5th Grade 3 - 5 n/a 36 53
6th - 8th Grade 6 - 8 n/a 18 53

Event Date

The event will be held at 9:00 AM on Saturday, February 22, 2025.

Registration Cutoff

Registration cutoff is at 10:00 PM on Thursday, February 20, 2025. After the cutoff you may register on the wait list (you will not be charged at this time).

Registration Fee (per registrant)


Refund Policy

Player refund cutoff is 10:00 AM on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Refunds are subject to an $5.00 fee per player.

Contact Information

For registration or pairings questions please email Ben Radin, ben@chessreg.com

For all other questions please visit the website here or email Tournament Director Randy Kaech: CoachKaech@gmail.com

Notes from the Event Director

Chess Playday: Chess tournament designed for both beginners and experienced players. Swiss pairings will bring players of similar skill levels together.

Who Can Play: All Kindergarten through 8th grade students, from Canada to California, beginners welcome!

State Qualifier Chess Tournament: Battle Royale is both a Playday and a State Qualifier tournament. Students in 1st - 5th grades who score three wins (or more) qualify to play in the Championship sections at the State Elementary Championships on April 26, 2025 at the Tacoma Convention Center. (Kindergarten and middle school students don't need to qualify.)

Format: Five rounds, no elimination, so all players play all five rounds. Swiss pairings are used, so players of similar score face off each round. One point is awarded for a win, zero for a loss, a half point for a draw.

Check-in: 8:45 to 9:15am. Be prompt - late arrivals might not be paired for Round 1.
Parent and players meeting: 9:20am.

Rounds will start as soon as possible, so the following is just an estimated schedule.
Round 1: about 9:50
Round 2: maybe 10:55
Round 3: perhaps 12:00
Round 4: something like 1:05
Round 5: approximately 2:10
Awards ceremony 3:20pm or asap

Tournament Rules: NWSRS scholastic tournament rules are in effect. Those are clarified in the FAQ below, but the main ones are:

If you touch a piece, you must move it. (Accidental bumps don't count.)

Clocks will be used in the middle school section, and in later rounds, on top boards in the 3rd-5th grade section. 25 minutes per player, plus a five second time delay, so games will not last over an hour.

In the middle school section, both players must record the moves, until one player has 5 minutes or less on the clock. Then both players may cease recording if desired.

Awards: Trophies to top three in K-2nd and 6th-8th grade divisions, to top five in 3rd-5th grade division. Medals to all (non-trophied) players who post a winning record, scoring 3.0 points or more.

Team awards: Podium recognition to top elementary teams and top three middle school teams. Team scoring adds up the best five results from a school for K-5th grades, and top four results for 6th-8th grades.

Concessions: At this point, concessions may not be available, so plan on bringing a sack lunch and snacks. This could change, keep checking this web site for news.

