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Pairings And Standings for The Knightmares' Gauntlet Chess Tournament 2023

4th - 6th Grade Team Standings Rd 5.html

Team Roster and Standings. The Knightmares' Gauntlet: 4th - 6th Grade

1EVGEvergreen School -Shoreline-WA 12.55539173
2CSICascadia ES - Seattle-WA 6.5271985.5
3WEDWedgwood Elementary School ES-Seattle-WA 5.528.512.584
4THUThurgood Marshall Elementary ES-Seattle-WA 5.020.51269
5OPWOpen Window School -Bellevue-WA 4.025.512.571.5
6VIWViewlands Elementary School ES-Seattle-WA 4.022.5964.5
7LMALouisa Alcott Elementary School ES-Redmond-WA 4.017.51453
8SNISunset Elementary School ES-Issaquah-WA 4.0171355
9SPTSpiritridge Elementary School ES-Bellevue-WA 4.0151245
10CGRCougar Ridge Elementary ES-Bellevue-WA 3.5141343.5
11LKWLockwood Elementary School ES-Bothell-WA 3.014941
12SOMSomerset Elementary School ES-Bellevue-WA 3.013.51041
13MEDMedina Elementary School ES-Bellevue-WA 3.013.5940.5
14WOBWoodridge Elementary School ES-Bellevue-WA 3.012.51038
15PKWParkwood Elementary School ES-Shoreline-WA 1.09327
16CLHClyde Hill Elementary ES-Medina-WA 1.09224.5