Tournament Flyer
Location: Robert Stuart Middle School, Caswell Avenue West, Twin Falls, ID.
Check-in: 9:00 am.
Round Times: Rounds begin at 10:00 am, continuous rounds with break after round 3. Check-in at 9:00 am.
Open Format: 5SS G/30;d0
Sections: K-5, 6-8, 9-12 (sections may be split or combined due to player number)
Registration: $30 pre-registration, $40 on-site if you miss pre-registration.
$25 ICA Members, $40/family. Email us if you have a discounted registration fee.
Registration deadline is Friday before the tournament.
Prizes: trophies for top 1st - 3rd overall in each section, other trophies and medals awarded for state qualifiers, top 3 in each grade. Top School (using top four players from each school).
Other: Open to all scholastic players. Equipment provided. High school section must record games. Read Policies for ICA events before registering. No Insufficient Losing Chances rule.
TD: Tilly Backstrom & Kyra Schoenwald
Byes: 1-half point bye in any round, must commit before round 2.
Ties: Solkoff, Cumulative, Cumulative Opposition, Mod. Med.
Details: Adam Porth - (208) 518-9752 or
Other Regional Events:
January 25 West (WRST), Riverside Hotel, Boise
February 1 East (ERST), ISU SUB, Pocatello
March 8 South Central (SCRST), Robert Stuart Middle School, Twin Falls
February 22 North (NRST), Lakeland Middle School, Rathdrum
Thank you for supporting the Idaho Chess Association.
**By entering the tournament, permission is given to the organizers to use photos for publicity and news on the World Wide Web, newspapers, and literature. And you are assuming all the risks associated with over-the-board tournaments. **
Idaho Chess Association is an IRS 501(c)(3) section non-profit charity organization.