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The Knightmares' Gauntlet Chess Tournament 2025



Total players registered: 110
Total number of available spots: 140
Section Grades Max Rating Players Spots Remaining
Kindergarten Kindergarten n/a 24 26
1st-3rd Grade U700 K - 3 700 57 140
4th-6th Grade U900 K - 6 900 16 140
1st - 3rd Grade Open 1 - 3 n/a 7 140
4th - 8th Grade Open 1 - 8 n/a 6 140

Event Date

The event will be held at 8:00 AM on Saturday, March 8, 2025.

Registration Cutoff

Registration cutoff is at 8:00 PM on Friday, March 7, 2025. After the cutoff you may register on the wait list (you will not be charged at this time).

Registration Fee (per registrant)


Refund Policy

Player refund cutoff is 12:00 AM on Monday, March 3, 2025. Refunds are subject to an $5.00 fee per player.

Pizza refund cutoff is 12:00 AM on Saturday, March 8, 2025. Refunds are subject to an $1.00 fee per item.

Contact Information

For team room, need-based scholarships, or other requests, or any other questions, please contact: ChessTournament@evergreenschool.org

For registration questions please contact:
Ben Radin ben@chessreg.com

Notes from the Event Director

CHECK IN NOT REQUIRED! Doors open at 8am, tournament play will start at 9:00 a.m.
Registered players who are late for the first round will start from game 2 with a forfeit.

1-3 U700
4-6 U900
1-3 Open (USCF/NWSRS dual-rated)
4-8 Open (USCF/NWSRS dual-rated)

Kindergarten players are requested to mask while playing.

Pre-registration online required. Refunds are subject to a $5 processing fee. No refunds after March 2, 2025.

Reduced registration fee for qualified students.


Contact Information: For team room, need-based scholarships, other requests, or any other questions, please contact: ChessTournament@evergreenschool.org

TOURNAMENT FORMAT: G/25;d5 -- 5 Round Swiss: K, 1-3 U700, 4-6 U900 are NWSRS Rated. Open sections are dual rated USCF/NWSRS. All sections are state qualifiers.

Generous awards in all sections. All kindergartners receive a trophy.
We encourage first-time participants to give it a try!

From I-5 North take the NE 145th Street Exit in Shoreline and go north to NE 155th St. Turn left on NE 155th St.
Continue west to Meridian Ave N (0.4 miles) and turn left.
Heading south on Meridian Ave N, the school will be on your right.
Limited parking is available. Please do not block neighborhood mailboxes or driveways or spaces marked No Parking!
Police patrol this area frequently and will ticket illegally parked cars.

Concessions will include adult and kid-friendly lunch and breakfast items.
Outside playground and soccer field on site. Team rooms will be assigned to the schools with the largest registration, as available. Pizza is available via pre-order.

