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Olympic Peninsula Scholastic Open



Total players registered: 12
Total number of available spots: 38
Section Grades Max Rating Players Spots Remaining
3rd - 5th Grade 3 - 5 n/a 4 38
6th - 8th Grade 6 - 8 n/a 8 38
9th - 12th Grade 9 - 12 n/a 0 38

Event Date

The event will be held at 9:00 AM on Saturday, May 31, 2025.

Registration Cutoff

Registration cutoff is at 10:00 PM on Thursday, May 29, 2025. After the cutoff you may register on the wait list (you will not be charged at this time).

Registration Fee (per registrant)


Refund Policy

Player refund cutoff is 12:00 AM on Friday, May 30, 2025. Refunds are subject to an $3.00 fee per player.

Contact Information

For registration questions, email Ben Radin ben@chessreg.com - for all other questions please email David Kerr porttownsendchess@gmail.com

Notes from the Event Director

Held on the historic downtown waterfront in Port Townsend. Restaurants, shops, a park, the beach, a playground, and parking all within easy walking distance.

No on-site registration.
Check-in: 9:00am - 9:30am. Late arrivals may not be paired in the first round.

Format: NWSRS rated; 5-Round Swiss format; three grade-level sections:
Elem 3-5; MS 6-8; HS 9-12.

Schedule: All players must be at their boards by 10am for announcements.

Rd1: 10:10
Rd2: 11:10
Rd3: 1:00
Rd4: 2:00
Rd5: 3:00
Awards following final round.

Paring: No elimination - everyone plays all rounds. Players of similar scores are paired together. You never play the same player twice. Pairing players from the same school is avoided but might happen.

Time Control: 25 min per player, with a 5 sec time delay. Notation required until one player has <5 min on the clock, then both may stop.

School Teams:  If three or more players from the same school are registered it will be considered a school team. The combined total points for the top three school team players in each section will determine the top school teams.

Rules: WHSCA tournament rules apply. NWSRS standard tiebreak systems will be used.

Prizes: The top 3 players in each section get a US Chess Tournament Travel Chess Set; the Top School Team in each section gets a Tournament trophy / plaque.

Equipment: Boards, sets, clocks, and scoresheets are provided. Bring a couple of pencils.

Port Townsend Chess is a registered non-profit charitable association.

All refunds subject to $3 fee per player. No refunds after May 29th.


The Cotton Building - 607 Water St, Port Townsend