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2025 Seattle Country Day School Tournament



Total players registered: 84
Total number of available spots: 66
Section Grades Max Rating Players Spots Remaining
Kindergarten Kindergarten n/a 20 10
1st-3rd Grade U900 K - 3 900 37 66
4th-6th Grade U900 K - 6 900 14 66
K-6 Open K - 6 n/a 13 66

Event Date

The event will be held at 8:00 AM on Saturday, March 1, 2025.

Registration Cutoff

Registration cutoff is at 5:00 PM on Friday, February 28, 2025. After the cutoff you may register on the wait list (you will not be charged at this time).

Registration Fee (per registrant)


Refund Policy

Player refund cutoff is 12:00 AM on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Refunds are subject to an $5.00 fee per player.

Contact Information

For registration questions please contact Ben Radin: ben@chessreg.com

For all other questions please contact Nidhi Kirpal Jayadevan: nidiki@hotmail.com & David Eustis: david.eustis@gmail.com

Notes from the Event Director

All participants must register in advance. There will be no on-site entries.

SCDS is located on lovely Queen Anne hill (2619 4th Avenue N, Seattle), and as a result, parking can be difficult. SCDS strongly encourages that you carpool and/or park your car farther away and walk to the school, in order to alleviate congestion in the immediate area. A few parking spots can be found within the school driveway and in a small gravel parking lot located at the northeast corner of 4th Avenue N and Newell Street. All other parking is limited to residential streets. Our neighbors have asked that we do not park on the west side of Nob Hill Ave N. In order to ensure that we can continue our tournament next year, please help us keep our neighbors happy by carpooling or walking from a farther parking spot.

5 round G/25;d5 Swiss in 4 sections: K, 1-3U900, and 4-6U900 and K-6 Open.
Qualifier for WA State Elementary Tournament.

Check-in 8:00 - 8:30. Players not checked in by 8:45 will forfeit round 1.
Round 1 - 9:00AM
Awards to follow the completion of all round 5 games, ~3:45PM.

Registration Fee
Early registration is $35. Registration fee increases to $40 starting February 10th.

Registration Fee Waiver
Please contact the tournament directors to request a waiver of the registration fee in the case of financial hardship.

A variety of breakfast, lunch, and snack options will be available!

Generous trophies in all sections.

