Time: Check in promptly from 7:45-8:20am in the cafeteria. Round 1 starts at 8:30am. Round 2 and 3 will follow approximately 15 minutes after the end of the prior round. Round 4 will begin after lunch at approximately 12:00pm with Round 5 approximately 15 minutes after the end of Round 4. Playoff rounds to determine a sole winner, if needed, after Round 5.
Eligibility: Students grades K-12 (public, private, home) in Grant and Adams (Washington) counties.
Awards: Cash prizes to be awarded with first prize of $500. Also, this is a regional qualifying tournament for state-level high school team and elementary individual tournaments.
Format: 5-round, Swiss pairing, G/30 (1 hour maximum round time).
Entry Fee: No entry fee! Participants must pre-register by 12:00pm, the day before the tournament.
Lunch: Pizza lunch will be provided for youth participants, not spectators. Participants who would prefer to not eat pizza are welcome to bring a sack lunch.
Prep Classes: Classes are held to explain tournament rules, chess notation, and such. Class participation is not required, although it is recommended for first-time participants. Parents are always welcome. Visit www.facebook.com/waypointfoundation for date/time/location information. These classes are typically (but not always) held the Thursday the week before the tournament and the Tuesday the week of the tournament at 6pm in the Parkway School library.
Miscellaneous: Chess sets, clocks and notation sheets are provided.
Registration: Participation is limited to the first 100 registrations. Once the capacity of 100 has been reached in the online registration system, hopeful participants can register to be on the Wait List. There is no on-site registration.
Cancellations: If a participant is not able to attend, please cancel via the "request a refund" link in the confirmation email or contact the tournament director directly using the contact information above. If there is a cancellation, the next person on the Wait List will be contacted via e-mail and will be given a short time to accept the registration before the Wait List registration is cancelled and the next on the Wait List is contacted.
Information: Visit www.waypointfoundation.org for tournament rules and other information. Stay up to date on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/waypointfoundation.
Legal Notes: This event is not sponsored or endorsed by any school district, nor does any school district assume any liability for the tournament. In consideration of the privilege to distribute materials pertaining to this tournament, participating school districts will be held harmless from any cause of action filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including costs, attorney’s fees, and judgements or awards.