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View players in section 6th Grade

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Name Grade School NWSRS ID NWSRS Rating
Baxter, James Grade 6 Ray Reynolds MS J01W 482
Simpson, Zephyn Grade 6 Stevens Intermediate H43D 117
Miranda, Saul Grade 6 Stevens Intermediate H43E 133
Canseco, Sam Grade 6 Stevens Intermediate H90Z 383
Mendez, Jaden Grade 6 John McLoughlin Middle School I40R 838
Avetisyan, Vincent Grade 6 John McLoughlin Middle School J01Z 788
Garcia, Emma Grade 6 Ellen Ochoa Middle School J45L 468
Bowles, Nathaniel Grade 6 John McLoughlin Middle School J80J 681
Rogers, Sterling Grade 6 Ray Reynolds MS H27E 469
Harbertson, Daniel Grade 6 Leona Libby MS
Bramhall, Zach Grade 6 Ray Reynolds MS J01U 582
Larimer, Thomas Grade 6 Leona Libby MS J79Q 499
Spurgeon, Levi Grade 6 Ray Reynolds MS H91C 511
Munoz, Salvador Grade 6 Ray Reynolds MS K53B 701
Menjivar, Bryan Grade 6 Ellen Ochoa Middle School J80L 899
Hernandez, Genie Grade 6 John McLoughlin Middle School K96J 221
Vanderschoor, Peyton Grade 6 John McLoughlin Middle School 490Y 1111
Simmons, Maxwell Grade 6 John McLoughlin Middle School J01B 100
Schutz, Henry Grade 6 Chief Joseph Middle School J80M 765
Castaneda, Cristian Grade 6 Ray Reynolds MS H75X 611
Muniz, Christopher Grade 6 Ray Reynolds MS J79V 453
Naungayan, Landon Grade 6 Ray Reynolds MS J80K 1071
Rangel, Valentino Grade 6 John McLoughlin Middle School J79X 754
Merrill, Jude Grade 6 Ray Reynolds MS J01X 568
Moncada, Orlando Grade 6 Ellen Ochoa Middle School K69D 715
Gardner, Grayson Grade 6 Liberty Christian H05D 724
Nguyen, Richard Grade 6 St. Charles Borromeo H47W 1019
Macatangay, Elijah Grade 6 Christ the King H43C 100
Dahl, Heidi Grade 6 John McLoughlin Middle School H58K 539