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Name Section Grade School NWSRS ID NWSRS Rating USCF ID USCF Rating
Shing, Lucas 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 3 Hazel wolf K-8 Stem School J74H 581
Allyn, William 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 3 Thornton Creek Elementary J48A 580
Mcconaghy, James 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 3 Magnolia ES H88L 345
Law, Apollo Kindergarten Kindergarten Wedgwood Elementary School
Oatey, Ethan 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 3 Decatur ES H33K 582
Bartram, Clark 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 2 Decatur ES
BUI, Bryant 4th - 6th Grade Open Grade 5 Ridgecrest Elementary School
Doan, April Kindergarten Kindergarten St. Monica H31B 100
Matthaei, Walton 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 1 Thornton Creek Elementary
Sogn, Wyatt 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 1 Thornton Creek Elementary
Huang, Cameron 1st - 3rd Grade Open Grade 1 Thornton Creek Elementary 32316676 0
Yao, Roger yutang 1st - 3rd Grade Open Grade 2 Thornton Creek Elementary K88C 640 31407368 399
Susanto, Mogens 4th-6th Grade U800 Grade 5 Our Lady of the Lake H52G 350 32320304 127
Paley, Harold 4th-6th Grade U800 Grade 6 Islander Middle School H70Q 725
Lin, Annan 4th - 6th Grade Open Grade 5 Thornton Creek Elementary C02D 1022 30241438 568
Hagen, Claudia 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 3 Thornton Creek Elementary
Ben simon, Golan 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 3 Seattle Jewish Community School J48B 681
Jariwala, Vidur 4th-6th Grade U800 Grade 4 Thornton Creek Elementary K87P 725
Newell, Benjamin 4th-6th Grade U800 Grade 5 Thornton Creek Elementary
Newell, Jonathan 4th-6th Grade U800 Grade 5 Thornton Creek Elementary
Prem Kumar, Guhan 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 1 Thornton Creek Elementary
Lu, Andy 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 3 Jing Mei ES J02X 167
Sharma, Ishaani 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 2 Fernwood Elementary G74T 100
Soules, Matt 4th-6th Grade U800 Grade 5 Epiphany G70H 470
Gowda, Aarav 4th-6th Grade U800 Grade 5 Thornton Creek Elementary
Fink, Hugh 4th-6th Grade U800 Grade 5 Epiphany School
Zhou, George 1st-3rd Grade U700 Grade 1 Bryant Elementary School J65T 362