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Dragonfly Cup



Total players registered: 12
Total number of available spots: 188
Section Grades Max Rating Players Spots Remaining
Kindergarten Kindergarten n/a 2 48
1st-3rd Grade U700 K - 3 700 7 188
4th-6th Grade U800 K - 6 800 0 188
1st - 3rd Grade Open 1 - 3 n/a 2 188
4th - 6th Grade Open 1 - 6 n/a 1 188

Event Date

The event will be held at 8:00 AM on Saturday, April 5, 2025.

Registration Cutoff

Registration cutoff is at 5:00 PM on Friday, April 4, 2025. After the cutoff you may register on the wait list (you will not be charged at this time).

Registration Fee (per registrant)


Changes to:

$45.00 on Sun, March 30 at 12:00 AM

Refund Policy

Player refund cutoff is 5:00 PM on Friday, April 4, 2025. Refunds are subject to an $5.00 fee per player.

Pizza refund cutoff is 5:00 PM on Friday, April 4, 2025. Refunds are subject to an $0.50 fee per item.

Contact Information

Chief TD Josh Sinanan: joshsinanan@gmail.com

Coach Ray Easterday: chessape@outlook.com

For registration questions please contact: Ben Radin ben@chessreg.com

Notes from the Event Director

Tournament Flyer

FORMAT: G/25;+5 -- 5 Round Swiss: K, 1-3 U700, 4-6 U800 are NWSRS Rated. Open sections are dual rated USCF/NWSRS. Higher of current NWSRS or April US Chess regular rating will be used to determine section and pairings. All sections are state qualifiers. Sections may be combined depending on attendance. Players in lower grades are welcome to play in higher grade sections.

Rd. 1 – 9:00am
Rd. 2 – 10:15am
Rd. 3 – 11:30am
Rd. 4 – 1:15pm
Rd. 5 – 2:30pm
Awards Ceremony ~ 4pm

Check in not required, please contact us if you are not able to attend or will be arriving late the day of the event. Kindergarten will run separately on its own faster schedule, with the next round starting soon after the last game finishes.

Generous trophies awarded to the top-scoring players in each section. Trophies to the top 5 finishing teams (top 5 scores from same school comprise team score) across all sections. Medals for first-timers who do not earn a trophy.


Scholarships available upon request.

Clocks will not be used from the start in the Kindergarten, 1-3 U700, and 4-6 U800 sections, but will be placed in unfinished games after 35 minutes of play and set to G/10; +5. Chess clocks and notation required in Open sections and used from the start. All equipment is provided.

Pizza lunch available for pre-order, with limited slices available for purchase on-site. Please preorder via the registration website! Other refreshments available for purchase on-site.

