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Washington State Elementary Chess Championships 2025



Total players registered: 827
Section Grades Max Rating Players Spots Remaining
Kindergarten Kindergarten n/a 39 33
1st Grade - Premier U800 1 800 44 No size limit
1st Grade - Championship 1 n/a 38 No size limit
2nd Grade - Premier U800 2 800 62 No size limit
2nd Grade - Championship 2 n/a 54 No size limit
3rd Grade - Premier U800 3 800 66 No size limit
3rd Grade - Championship 3 n/a 49 No size limit
4th Grade - Premier U1000 4 1000 88 No size limit
4th Grade - Championship 4 n/a 46 No size limit
5th Grade - Premier U1000 5 1000 85 No size limit
5th Grade - Championship 5 n/a 56 No size limit
6th Grade - Premier U1000 6 1000 55 No size limit
6th Grade - Championship 6 n/a 39 No size limit
Middle School Rapid Chess Championship U1100 6 - 8 1100 53 No size limit
Middle School Rapid Chess Championship Open 6 - 8 n/a 24 No size limit
High School Rapid Chess Championship U1100 9 - 12 1100 15 No size limit
High School Rapid Chess Championship Open 9 - 12 n/a 9 No size limit
Adult U1500 K - Adult 1500 5 No size limit

Event Date

The event will be held at 8:00 AM on Saturday, April 26, 2025.

Registration Cutoff

Registration cutoff is at 11:00 PM on Thursday, April 24, 2025. After the cutoff you may register on the wait list (you will not be charged at this time).

Registration Fee (per registrant)


Changes to:

$75.00 on Sat, March 15 at 12:00 AM

$90.00 on Tue, April 15 at 12:00 AM

Refund Policy

Player refund cutoff is 11:00 PM on Thursday, April 24, 2025. Refunds are subject to an $5.00 fee per player.

Contact Information

For registration questions, email Ben Radin ben@chessreg.com - for all other questions please email the Tournament Director, Jacob Mayer jacob.mayerchess@gmail.com

Notes from the Event Director

Find the most up to date event details, schedule, hotel recommendations, food options and more on the event website: https://wsecc.squarespace.com/

Championship sections require qualification at a state qualifier tournament during the school year. Premier sections are open to all students under the ratings threshold, regardless of qualification. This includes players who qualified for the Championship section but are below the ratings cutoff. All sections will be NWSRS Rated. Championship sections and MS/HS Open sections will be dual rated NWSRS/USCF. Participants in those sections will need a current US Chess Membership. Financial assistance for USCF Membership is available upon request. No qualification required for Kindergarten students.

For a list of qualified students and a more detailed breakdown of the qualification requirements, please visit: http://ratingsnw.com/qualifiers.html

Players can register at any time, regardless of qualification. Players who qualify after registering can switch to the Championship section at any time prior to the registration cutoff.

Take advantage of the early bird registration price!

2025 WSECC Sponsors:

CHESSHOUSE.com - chess in every home.

Chess House is a top source for chess sets and supplies - everything you need for learning, competing, and enjoying chess at home. Orders are delivered fast and backed with helpful staff. They are a long-time supporter of chess in Washington state. Shop Chess House today and take advantage of an offer code for 15% off during this season: CEA2025.

