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View players in section Middle School Rapid Chess Championship U1100

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Name Grade School NWSRS ID NWSRS Rating USCF ID USCF Rating
Mukherjee, Anjalika Grade 7 Univ. Prep. Academy J94B 1008 31838237 784
Bell, Raimi Grade 7 Odyssey Multiage Program F77Y 1197 30749172 930
Qureshi, Danish Grade 7 Blaine Middle School F36V 1073
Durbhakula, Amogh Grade 7 Timberline MS K63U 952
Kuluru, Samith Grade 8 leota Middle school I99K 752
Corleto, Enzo Grade 7 Christ the King B11Z 754
Schutz, Victoria Grade 7 Chief Joseph Middle School J59P 331
Lertzman, Glen Grade 7 Horizon Middle School H39T 205
TALLAPANENI, HANISH Grade 7 Cedar Heights MS H06J 1153 30287139 878
Rajeswaran, Raghav Grade 8 Rose Hill JH J57H 926 30878284 665
Oruganti, Yuvan Grade 7 Highland Middle School J55U 970
Yen, Apollo Grade 7 Redmond MS G78H 882 30820873 643
Sathish, Viraat Grade 7 Northstar Middle School 32279449 0
Rathinasabapathy, Varsith Grade 7 Inglewood Junior High School
Kocherlakota, Vihaan Grade 7 Timberline MS A65P 858 31898829 706
Edlund, Caleb Grade 7 Washington Connections Academy J88D 931 31619986 795
SHAH, ARNAV Grade 7 Kenmore Middle School 30066848 0
Harmon, Hyon Grade 7 Columbia Middle school
Badillo-chavez, Maddalyn Grade 7 Highlands MS J80R 100
Badillo-chavez, Marilyn Grade 7 Highlands MS J80P 100
Sharan, Aadya Grade 7 Evergreen Middle School J59A 933
SLETTEBAK, JORDAN Grade 7 Eckstein Middle School 30193925 0
Gonzalez, Blanca Grade 8 John McLoughlin Middle School J81M 797
Hong, Sidney Grade 7 John McLoughlin Middle School 478H 902
Pantoja, Cain Grade 7 Ellen Ochoa Middle School 228C 866
Dennis, Ethan Grade 7 Ray Reynolds MS H01A 135
Kubalek, Evander Grade 7 Ray Reynolds MS D38R 723
Gonzalez-jacobo, Isaac Grade 7 Stevens Intermediate J81D 858
Jayadevan, Neel Grade 7 Seattle Country Day 230P 1071 30078881 419
Leon, Nikhil Grade 6 Timberline MS 587T 1068 32257091 0
Nassaneh, George Grade 7 Christ the King F47K 562
Khandelwal, Anay Grade 7 Odle Middle School A10L 914 32258335 819
Duarte, Carlos Grade 8 Ellen Ochoa Middle School K52U 587
Orsino, Thomas Grade 8 Whatcom Middle School H40B 828
Davenport, Raymond Grade 7 Inglewood Junior High School D41L 867 30101268 643
Gogic, Arian Grade 8 John McLoughlin Middle School K96A 1041
Moe, Steven Grade 8 Ellen Ochoa Middle School H29P 1000
Becklund, Ezra Grade 7 Jewish Day School of Sea
Hall, Grayden Grade 8 John McLoughlin Middle School K68M 1003
Prasad, Sonali Grade 8 John McLoughlin Middle School K68K 664
Sanborn, Ryder Grade 7 John McLoughlin Middle School J81E 694
Miranda, Santiago Grade 8 Stevens Intermediate 437Y 503
Young, Daniel Grade 7 East Valley HS J96U 579
Nachiappan, Lakshmanan Grade 8 Rose Hill JH J87Q 957 30907211 674
Shields, Conor Grade 7 Kopachuck MS K51J 695
Fultz, Heath Grade 8 John McLoughlin Middle School 853S 1037
SHARMA, PRATYUSH Grade 6 Leota Junior High School 30550444 0
Ravitsky, Koby Grade 8 Whatcom Middle School G73J 904
Saenz, Abigail Grade 7 Stevens Intermediate 672R 381
Jain, Anvay Grade 7 Timberline MS 874Z 668 31275160 432
Parker, Sebastian Grade 8 iTech Preparatory K21L 364
Rubenstein, Alder Grade 7 Blue Heron MS G84W 533
Mejia, Vincent Grade 7 Ray Reynolds MS 271G 562